
Board of Directors

Director Jake W Gray MAusIMM
Executive Director - Geology

John V McCarthy BSc (Maj. Geol), MAusIMM

Chairman, Non-Executive Independent Director

John Cook

Non-Executive Director

Kelvin Lee BBus, CPA

Audit Committee

John Cook

Remuneration & Nomination Committee

Kelvin Lee BBus, CPAM


CEO - Ozmin Resources, Queensland Lincoln P. Gray MAICD
Chief Financial Officer - Australia Richard Lane MBA, FCA, FAIM MAICD
Company Secretary Hong Kong BOACOH Secretarial Limited
Auditors - Australia Rothsay Chartered Accountants
Auditors - Hong Kong

Baker Tilly Hong Kong Limited
12th Floor, China Merchants Tower
Shun Tak Centre
168-200 Connaught Road
Central Hong Kong

Technical Management and Staff

Manager - Special Projects John Weil BSc Geol., FAusIMM
Senior Exploration Geologist Simon Doyle BSc (Geology), MAIG

Independent Technical Consultant

Behre Dolbear Australia


Deacons Lawyers Sydney


Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited Sydney, Australia; Hanoi, Vietnam
Standard Chartered Hong Kong SAR

Lead Broker

Bell Potter Securities Limited Bell Potter Securities Limited Level 33, "Grosvenor Place",
225 George Street,
Sydney NSW 2000
T : +61 (02) 9255 7469
F : +61 (02) 9255 7488;
E : [email protected]

International Advisor

VinaCapital Corporate Finance Ltd "Sun Wah Tower", 115 Nguyen Hue, HCMC, Vietnam
"International Centre", 17 Ngo Quyen, Hanoi, Vietnam


Sydney - Corporate

Level 4, Suite 14
3 Spring Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Tel: 61 2-9247 0169
Fax: 61 2-9247 0243
Email: [email protected]

Australian - Exploration

199 Ingham Road, West End, Townsville, QLD 4810
Tel: 61 7-4728 7900
Fax: 61 7-4728 6700
Email: [email protected]
Vietnam - Corporate & Exploration 25 Nguyen Khac Hieu, Ba Dinh, Hanoi
Tel: 84 4-715 0172
Fax: 84 4-715 0173
Email: [email protected]
Hong Kong - Registered Office Boase Cohen & Collins, Solicitors & Notaries
Rooms 2303-7 "Dominion Centre"
43-59 Queen's Road East, Hong Kong, PRC

Share Registry

Registries Limited

Level 7, 207 Kent Street
Sydney NSW 2000

PO Box R67
Royal Exchange
Sydney NSW 2000

T : 02-9290 9600 (Australian enquiries)
T : +61 2–9290 9600 (overseas enquiries)
F : 02-9279 0664 (Australia)
E : [email protected]

ASX Code